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This emulates an election proces. The election is simplified, there are only two issues. We assume people are rationale, and vote for the canditate or party that is positions itself closest to there own position. Parties c.q. candidates regard the election process as a game for power, where the goal is to get the biggest ammount of market share. To increase the number of votes, parties/candidates each get a turn to move one position.


Change the parameters below to simulate another election. You'll see that two parties (n=2) results in a run to the center with both canditates in contact to eachother. With a small number of parties, the candidates stay close to the center. Only when a many parties participate, the positions are spread over a large part of the population.

n: Delay [ms]:
x: tmsx:
y: tmsy:

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Palm route vote Su Doku IQ Quiz life zeef Psychic Piet Mondriaan Euro
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Toni Cornelissen
1 January 1970
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