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John Conway's Game of Life

Sawtooth with external timing
A p8 blinker puffer (found by Bob Wainwright) moves west. A glider
bounces between a fixed reflector (in gens 480*2^n-701 (n>=1))
and a southeastward Cordership (in gens 720*2^n-661 (n>=1)).
Each bounce from the fixed reflector releases a salvo (formed in
gens 480*2^n-310 (n>=1)) consisting of a MWSS and 2 LWSSs aimed
toward the line of blinkers. The salvo hits the nearest blinker
in gen 2400*2^n-880n-3115 (n>=1), causing the blinker line to
decay at 2c/3. (Another salvo, present in the initial pattern,
hits in gen 5.) When the decay catches up to the puffer, a new
line of blinkers starts to form (in gen 3840*2^n-880n-3760 (n>=0)).

When the salvo hits the blinker line, the population is large,
about 180*2^n in gens around 2400*2^n. (Specifically, in gen
2400*2^n-880n-3115 there are 60*2^n-29 blinkers.) When the
decay catches up with the puffer, the population is bounded, about
1400 in gens around 3840*2^n-880n.
(This header was written by Dean Hickerson, 4/4/93)
David I. Bell,, 27/10/92

Generations: 0 Cells: 0

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