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Goban attributes

Below you will find a description of the attributes that can be used with the goban tag. All attributes can also be entered as CGI-paramter. Attributes are case insensitive, CGI-parameters only in lower case. Values entered with attributes overrule the values entered with CGI-parameters.

Exept for these attributes there is yet another CGI-parameter: url with this parameter the location if the file with the goban tags can be entered.


The edges attibute defines which, if any, edges of the diagram are to be shown as board edges. You can denote the top edge by t or by n, the bottom edge by b or by s, the left edge by l or by w and the right edge by r or by e. The default is no edges.


The images attribute defines the location of the directory in which the images are located.


The size attributes defines the width and height of the images in pixels. The different measures are implemented by the width and height attributes in the <img> tag. If no size (or sizex or sizey) is given, no width en height attribute will be added to the <img> tags from which the board is builded.


If the width and height of the images are not the same, the sizex attribute can be uses to enter te width of the images.


If the width and height of the images are not the same, the sizey attribute can be uses to enter te height of the images.


The pl attribute defines the colour of the stone that makes the first move.


The border attribute will be copied into the <img> tag. If no border attribute was given, no border attribute will be added to the <img> tag. This is especially useful if a link is made from the board, with border="0" will be prevented that a border will be draw round each image from which the board is made.


The alt attribute will be copied into the <img> tag. If no alt attribute was given, no alt attribute will be added to the <img> tag. From HTML 4.0 the use of the alt attribute with the <img> is required. With the use of the alt attribute valid HTML can be generated.

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HPV bloem Go Geo caching Choir NS
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Toni Cornelissen
1 January 1970
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