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User interface

Showing "Hello world" on a screen is nice, but usually you want to do something with your PDA. The user interface of the Palm is organised in forms.

A very simple form resource is added to the resource file:

#include "helloworld_rcp.h"

ICON "../resources/icon.bmp"
SMALLICON "../resources/icon_s.bmp"

// The main form
FORM ID MainForm AT (0 0 160 160)
  TITLE "Hello world"

As you see, the version has changed to 2.0 and the FROM resource has been added. The frame only consits of a TITLE: "Hello world"

the form has a number, MainForm has been defined as 1000 in the include file: helloworld_rcp.h

// Defines for the Hello world application

#define MainForm    1000

To use the form, some functionality has to be added to the source file:

// Include Palm prototypes, variables etc.
#include <System/SysAll.h>
// Include prototypes, variables etc. for the userinterface
#include <UI/UIAll.h>
// Include the defines for the ID's of the form
#include "helloworld_rcp.h"

// Initialises the application
Boolean StartApplication(void)
  // Start the main form
  return false;
} // StartApplication

// terminates the application
void StopApplication(void) {
} // StopApplication

Boolean MainFormHandleEvent(EventPtr event) {
  FormPtr frm;      
  Boolean handled = false;

  switch (event->eType) {
    case frmOpenEvent:
      frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
      handled = true;
  } // event->eType
  return handled;
} // MainFormHandleEvent

Boolean ApplicationHandleEvent(EventPtr event) {
  FormPtr frm;
  Int     formId;
  Boolean handled = false;

  if (event->eType == frmLoadEvent) {
    // get the form ID number
    formId = event->data.frmLoad.formID;
    // load the form (get it's pointer)
    frm = FrmInitForm(formId);
    // make the form active

    switch (formId) {
    case MainForm:
      FrmSetEventHandler(frm, MainFormHandleEvent);
    handled = true;
  } // frmLoadEvent

  return handled;
} // ApplicationHandleEvent

// Entry point for palm applications
DWord PilotMain(Word cmd, Ptr cmdPBP, Word launchFlags) {
  // Variable declarations
  EventType event;

  // Check the launch code
  if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch) {
    // Initialise the application 
    if (0 == StartApplication()) {
      do {
        // Wait until something happens
        EvtGetEvent(&event, evtWaitForever);

        // Let the system handle the event
        if (!SysHandleEvent(&event)) {
          // Check if the form was changed
          if (!ApplicationHandleEvent(&event)) {
            // Handle events for the current form

      // Quit if we have received an appStopEvent
      } while (event.eType != appStopEvent);
  } // cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch
} // PilotMain 
Except for the default Palm prototypes, the prototypes, variables, etc. for the user interfaces are also included. As the defines for the ID's of the form.

Four extra functions are implemented. StartApplication which initializes the application when it's started, StopApplication terminates the application. When the mainframe is opened, it gets drawn by the function MainFormHandleEvent. The mainframe becomes active by the ApplicationHandleEvent function.

PilotMain has also changed a bit. First, the WinDrawChars function is removed. Drawing the frame is handled by the MainFormHandleEvent function. Second, the StartApplication and StopApplicaton functions are called at the appropriate places. And last, the event loop was extended. Exept for handling system events, the ApplicationHandleEvent function gets a chance to handle the loading of the forms, and the MainFormHandleEvent function to handle the events generated by the MainForm

the application now looks like this when executed:

The application screen with the Hello world application
The application screen with the Hello world application

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Toni Cornelissen
13 September 2004
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